Royal Berkshire Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnership are here to listen to your voice. We work together with the Royal Berkshire Hospital (RBH) to drive positive change and improve local maternity services. We listen, respond and act to ensure that you are supported in a safe, equitable and kind way throughout your maternity journey.

From the moment you find out, right through to your birth. Your voice is heard.
We take every opportunity to listen. Everybody who has experienced care with the maternity team at RBH (even if they birthed at a different hospital) is invited to share their voices in our survey. We want to hear about your experience. From booking, to your postnatal visits; the good, the bad and your thoughts on what could be done better.
We want to act on your feedback and pick up any issues, or equally any points to be celebrated, so we split our surveys depending on when gave birth. We report first on current feedback which is generally within the last 6 months - but all feedback is heard.

We Listen.
Some of the feedback from last quarter's surveys
453 births took place on average per month
It was so different from the experience I had hoped for and I was scared but when it actually came to it the delivery suite was so much nicer than expected - calm, spacious, lots of equipment to help
The main issues:
Inconsistent support postnatally
Rushey closures
Language and communication
Access to information
Temperature issues
RBH may not be the most aesthetically pleasing of hospitals but what it lacks in looks it makes up in terms of service, staff and standards
66 people responded to the survey
8 feedback sessions attended in the community

We Respond.
Every response is read and we dig deeper. Your voice makes a difference.
Every survey response is read and collated into our quarterly reports, which we share with all the key players within the Royal Berkshire MVP. This includes key decision makers and those involved in your day-to-day care at the hospital.
We identify trends and then organise focused workshops to help us to understand where we can improve maternity services - just keep an eye on our Facebook group for our upcoming sessions

These projects are responding to your feedback - get involved

Your feedback drives positive change. Your voice matters.
We’re interested in feedback at every point of your journey and we act on it. We are connected with your entire team from your first booking appointment, through every scan, your birth, right through to your postnatal experience and health visitor checks.
Whether that's celebrating your positive experiences or working to improve, we are one team focused on your experience. Your feedback has resulted in many successful projects from the creation of a Homebirth team at the RBH, to the new Induction of Labour suites and the introduction of personalised caesarean births.

We Act.
Your MNVP is exactly that – it’s people like you!
We're one of a wide network of MNVPs who aim to improve local maternity services - we do this by making sure everybody on the maternity pathway has a chance to have their voice heard.
Your MNVP is an independent NHS working group made up of a dedicated core team, a wider network of parent reps, and the key decision makers within the RBH.
The core team are not part of the hospital but collaborate with professionals at the RBH. We work together to improve local maternity services, for you.