What you need to be part of the MNVP.
As someone who has recently experienced maternity services you are uniquely positioned to help shape the future. There’s no training or in-depth knowledge needed, everything you need comes from your experience and a desire for positive change.
It doesn’t matter what your background may be or where you are on your parenting journey. You may be at a stage where all you can give is an opinion – that's great!
What does volunteering involve?
Everyone who becomes a parent has their own network of friends, from WhatsApp groups to NCT buddies or Facebook pages. We’d love every parent to fill out our surveys but we also know that the information shared with a friend over a coffee or on a 3am chat feed can be really valuable. As a parent rep you’ll be uniquely positioned to feed those trends back to us so they have the potential to make a real difference.
As a parent rep you’ll be called upon to both share your voice and listen to others. You can help in a number of different ways:
Contribute to our discussions, voice your opinions and spread the word
Joining our private Facebook group and being an active part of our community
Spreading the word about Royal Berkshire MNVP with your friends and networks
Sharing content digitally from our main public Facebook page
Helping distributing leaflets to the groups and venues you already attend
Help shape the conversation and play a bigger part
Attending our meetings and being the voice for your network
Going out into the community, helping with feedback sessions
Collaborating with our RBH contacts on projects to target specific issues
Arranging and promoting our events or sessions
Helping out with our website or social media
We really value your time. Everyone likes to give back and do something worthwhile. But we also invest in our MNVP and have budgets available for larger projects and to remunerate our members. For example, we pay expenses, which can include childcare, although babies and young children are welcome at many of our meetings.

As an MNVP it’s vital to us that we represent our communities, and that means all members regardless of ethnicity, religion, sexuality, or gender.
We would especially like to connect with people from Black, Asian, mixed ethnic and minority ethnic communities, people with disabilities, neurodiverse people, and people from the LGBTQIA+ community as these are the voices which, at the moment, we aren’t representing as well as we could be, and we’d love to change that.
If you'd like to hear more about what we are doing to improve our connections within the community get in touch to hear more about our equity project.

Meet our parent reps

Could this be more than volunteering?
Fancy becoming a member of the core team? We are always looking for passionate people to help us delve deeper and who are keen to make a difference and improve local maternity services. If you’re looking for a rewarding paid role, that fits around your family commitments and offers true flexibility please get in touch.