Say Hello
We love to talk to you, whether that’s online via our Facebook page or in feedback sessions.
If you’d like to talk to us directly about joining Royal Berkshire MNVP or how you could make a difference, please complete the form and one of the team will be in touch to chat about how you can get involved. To join us as a parent rep please visit our Facebook group.
You’ll also find us on Twitter where we keep a keen eye on maternity news and stay in touch with our professional colleagues.
Social Media
Connecting you with those who care
We really hope that we can act as your voice and be your advocate. However, we know sometimes it can be a personal and emotive subject and you may want to discuss your experience directly with those at the hospital. We can help with this.
You can talk to the Consultant Midwives – they will explain what your choices are and how they can help.
Email us to have your contact details passed on. Please include brief details of your enquiry and we’ll help to connect you with the right people.
You can also contact the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) for advice or to make a formal complaint.

This was a great opportunity to work alongside service users and together look at how the environment for our patients can be improved.
(15 Steps Event June 2022)